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14 Model Bias Corrections
Adjusting Climate Projections - ESoWC 2022
How quantile mapping bias correction distorts the temperature signal
Bias correction climate data using CMhyd software
A spatial regionalisation approach to reduce uncertainty in climate model bias correction
Bias corrections probit & logit models two way fixed effects Use logitfe & probitfe With STATA 18
Bias Correction of Exponentially Weighted Averages (C2W2L05)
Estimation and Correction of Model Bias in the NASA/GMAO GEOS5 Data Assimilation System
Bias-Corrected Block Bootstrapped Mann-Kendall Test: Step-by-Step Guide in R | BBSMK
Technical aspects of bias corrections: Towards "multivariate approaches" - M. Vrac
Understanding "Bias Correction" in English
Evaluation of a bias correction method applied to downscaled precipitation and temper... | RTCL.TV